Dear Chen Ko
I was actually planing to buy
Doulton counter top water filter. While I was doing the search to find out for
info, I read your blog on NSF certified. One thing led to another.
I understand yearly testing is
required to keep certification updated. I was given a link by supplier and they
are certified NSF 42. I cant comprehend the claim but it was only Chlorine
Reduction. I can't find Doulton on NSF search and puzzled why it was certified
42 & 53 on Doulton site.
Maybe you could help me understand,
ideally NSF 53 is most beneficial. Do I need to specify anything while I do a
search on NSF site in order to find Doulton? I did a search based on country,
also by product, e.g. counter top filter. I need to find an authentic certified
water filter with NSF 53. I have a leaking pipe which is long overdue for
repair. (long story short)
I would be appreciate if you could
give some suggestions.
Thank you
Dear Carolyn,
I agree that the NSF search page is not exactly user friendly. What I did was to only select the country i.e. UK from the drop-down list and punch Search. You should be able to find Doulton filters under both NSF/ANSI 53 and 42 standards. You can try clicking this link.
Figure: Search results for Doulton water filters under NSF/ANSI 53 |
Figure: Search results for Doulton water filters under NSF/ANSI 42 |
As mentioned somewhere else in my blog, it will serve you well to know what are the contaminants of concern in your case. If you are worried about fluoride in your water and a water filter is only certified for reduction of chlorine, then the certification may not mean much.
Good luck.