Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Advanced Elective Module (AEM): Water Quality and Pollution

Apologies for the long overdue post. For the past month, in addition to other work related matters, I am heavily occupied with developing and fine-tuning teaching materials for my AEM. Being a forty-hour module, it involves:
  1. classroom lessons
  2. classroom activities
  3. field work
  4. laboratory work
  5. assessment
Moreover, field trips must be backed up by good old reconnaisance which also eats into the preparation time.
All these development work can be quite intense as most materials are designed from scratch, blending a good mix of theory and practical. Field work and non-conventional classroom lessons are the corner stones of this module. After all, it does not make sense to immerse the students in more of the same old classroom lessons in an enrichment module.
Nevertheless, the development work was fun and enriching. One of the great things of being a teacher/instructor/lecturer is you get to learn many things because you have to be so much more knowledgeable than your students.

1 comment:

  1. wow. some new changes to your work.
    Must work happily ! haha. Take care.
