Thursday, July 02, 2009

Reminiscing Chek Jawa (2004)

Chek Jawa can't seem to get out of my head after my visit last Saturday so I flipped through my ancient photographs of the place.

Guess what? The same iconic tree was there in 2004 but compare it to what it looks like now... what has happened in the intervening 5 years?!? Does the tree (and the surrounding substrate) look barer now or what? Too much impact from visitors? Deteriorating water quality? Or is the tree simply going through old age?

I also found some of my favourite photos - sunrise at Chek Jawa on a clear morning. Check out how the fascinating egg yolk rose out of the sea.

Figures (L-R, T-B):
The lonesome one now; the lonesome one in its splendour (2004);
These 4 photos captured the progress of a sunrise at Chek Jawa (2004)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Chek Jawa sure brings back memories. Thanks for sharing yours.

    Sigh, yes I wondered about the tree too. This is why the work to monitor our shores is so important. Glad you're there to do the job!
