Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Some non-water related musing

Hi CK,

I just want to join with those to say a "thank you" to you for creating such an interesting blog!  I don't believe we can find the sorts of info you're writing about anywhere else!

You have also provided a certain level of "consumer" info e.g. on alkaline water etc. that is pretty useful to other laymen.  Once again, thank you - I enjoyed reading the articles you have put up.


Hey, thanks, S.

It is always nice to hear such encouraging words from my readers.

Being an educator myself, it is always uplifting to have current and former students providing positive feedback to reinforce the fact that what we are doing is right. (Don't be mistaken, negative feedback is valuable in helping us improve ourselves but the pure happiness of receiving positive feedback is irreplaceable.) 

Being humans, there are times when we doubt ourselves no matter how strong our convictions are. Are we walking the right path? Is this worth doing? Are we making a difference?

During those trying times, even a short encouragement or a few kind words make all the difference. And sometimes, our whole future can change from the decisions we make based on that short conversation with a kind soul.

I have been on the receiving end, as well as on the giving end. Sometimes, we may not think much of our own kind acts. To us, it may be the most natural thing to do. But to the other party, it can a virtual lifeline, a way out of the darkness into the light.

Therefore, I consciously try my best to spread kindness whenever possible. Small acts, quick words but the impact can be bigger than we think. And in a way, that is the right thing to do.

I may not be able to bring a whole nation out of poverty into the status of a developed country but I can help others along the journey of life, making a part of the world (no matter how small) a better place than I first encounter it.

I write because I like to. Water and its topics just happen to be what I am familiar with and working on. Education is a tool. Above all is the attitude to share your knowledge and willingness to better our own condition and that of others.


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